Mar 19, 2006

don't walk under that ladder!!

Itchy ear, someone's talking about you; itchy right palm, you'll meet someone new;itchy left palm, money's coming ur way..It's bad luck to have a black cat cross your path...
superstition n me? nah ..modern thoughts, broader sense of thinking, wider perspectives. I have no place in my head for superstition- Those who choose to believe, find their world delivering what they expect.... and those who don't, (like me!!)are not affected... that was in reply to one of my friends asking me if i believed in "superstition"..It hardly affects the tangibles i need!!....those in the know would know and would have most definitely explained to this person that I always use the pen that my dad bought me when i was in class 5 and i'll cry if i ever lose it.. i always wear my blue kurta on the days i have a presentation to make and of late i've been terming the days that i don't wear my favourite ring as a 'bad day' - ask me. i'll still say -superstition?... nah, that's jus me categorizing things as lucky n not-so-lucky!:D


Bg said...

maybe ur attached emotionally/sentimentally to that pen,kurtha and ring...those things make u feel "today will be fine"..mix of emotion and confidence.not superstition!!:)

Unknown said...

well said ..i do feel the same..with an addition that i still have my 8 th standard pencil box..with same "big fun" cricket cards..and my assembly rollnumber chit..i am a bit superstitios..but who cares till its chronics..keeping my fingers crossed

vinod said...

its called sentiment, and not superstition. using the pen everyday lest you must lose marks is superstition, but i think u r afraid to lose it coz ur dad gave it to u.

Arch thinks said...

thanks ppl... i feel a bit more sane when i know i have some company!